Participation station

Your one-stop destination for details on becoming a part of Mercer’s US and Canada compensation and benefit surveys

Competitive pay matters when it comes to finding and keeping talent. Fair pay is important for building trust with employees and promoting loyalty. Getting pay and your overall total rewards package right is the foundation for building and maintaining your workforce. And what do you need to do that? Comprehensive, quality, data from a trusted source that provides a current look at the market.

Join over 6,000 companies in the US and Canada that already use Mercer surveys to get their total rewards offerings right, protect their workforce, and attract today’s top talent.

Participating in Mercer surveys gives you the insight you need to:

  • Right-size pay across your organization
  • Address inequities by making consistent, data-backed decisions
  • Set and adjust policies to stay competitive beyond the pay check

With one of the most robust employer-reported databases available, representing 12 million+ employees and 100+ industries, you can confidently make decisions your organization needs to thrive.

Ready to participate? Find a list of surveys, key dates, and links to participation materials below.

Need to change or designate who receives your participation materials? Complete this form.

2025 Participation with Mercer Data Connector


  Participation Open Date: March 3, 2025   |   Participation Close Date: April 25, 2025



Survey name


US & Canada


Mercer Benchmark Database (MBD)

The premier source for base pay, incentive, and total direct compensation for general industry positions across career streams and job functions, including Executives, IT, accounting, legal, sales, marketing, and manufacturing. New in 2025 – the MBD AI and Emerging Technology Survey which includes positions in AI, data science, and other key roles.

US & Canada


Contact Center & Customer Service Compensation

Salary benchmarking data including base salary and incentives for customer service and contact center roles.

US & Canada


Mercer/Gartner IT Jobs & Skills

Data covers difficult to recruit jobs and skills, jobs requiring sign-on bonuses, and top jobs to hire in the next 12 months from an IT perspective.

US & Canada


Turnover Survey

This survey captures information on hiring rates, voluntary and involuntary turnover, and retirement seperations.

US & Canada

Energy & Mining

Energy Sector (MTCS)

Base and incentive pay data for positions across the energy value chain including mining, exploration and production, pipeline/transmissions, utilities, and more.

US & Canada

Energy & Mining

Mining Industry

Featuring both corporate and site locations, this survey includes base pay and compensation metrics for mining positions with analysis by geographic area, type of mine, commodity mined, and more.

US & Canada

Financial Services

Financial Services Compensation

Incentive and base pay data for jobs in the financial industry covering sectors such as insurance, retail banking, consumer finance, wealth management, and more.



Health Insurance Compensation (IHP)

Covers base pay, incentives and total cash for over 400 operations, sales and marketing, and executives positions within health insurance/managed care organizations.



Pharmacy Compensation

This survey covers base pay and incentives for over 100 US pharmacy positions across industry specializations including chain drug store, hospital, mail-order, nuclear, and more.


High Tech

Mercer SIRS(R) - High Technology

This survey covers compensation data from entry-level through executive level positions within the high-tech manufacturing, aerospace and defense and federal contracting industries; data for over 3,000 positions included.


Life Sciences

Mercer SIRS(R) - Life Sciences

Compensation data for over 3,000 positions, including Executives, across the Life Sciences industry including: Agricultural Sciences, Animal Health, Biotechnology, Medical Devices, and Pharmaceutical.

US & Canada


Retail Compensation and Benefits

Base pay and benefits data for positions within the retail, supermarket, restaurant, and apparel industries.


Transportation Services

Transportation, Logistics, and Warehousing Industry Survey

This survey covers base pay and long-term and short-term incentive data for positions in air, freight, maritime, rail, and road transportation, plus supply chain, warehousing and distribution.

*Please note: Mercer IHN: Healthcare Compensation Survey participation is collected outside of Mercer Data Connector. Access IHN Participation Details.


  Participation Open Date: June 11, 2025   |   Participation Close Date: July 11, 2025



Survey name


US & Canada


New Graduate & Generation Z Compensation

Starting salaries for interns and new graduates, tuition reimbursement, hourly rates for co-ops, interns, and more.

US & Canada


Incentive Plan Design

Assess key design elements of your short-term or sales incentive program, including plan eligibility, funding mechanisms, payout formula options, and more.

Ready to start your participation?

Returning participants

Have you completed participation for your organization in a prior year using Mercer Data Connector?

Enter your company email address and password to access Mercer Data Connector.

New participants

Did someone else complete participation for your organization in a prior year using Mercer Data Connector?

Complete the New Contact form and we’ll send you access instructions.

New companies

Is this your company’s first time participating in Mercer surveys using Mercer Data Connector?

Complete the New Company form so we can start the set-up process for your organization and send you access instructions.

How to participate?

Come back to this location when participation is open for directions and to complete your participation in Mercer Data Connector.

Attend a webinar

Have questions on how to participate or what’s new this year? Check out a live or recorded webinar for key details and tips on the participation process.

Technical webinar

Getting started with Mercer Data Connector

We will cover the basics of using Mercer Data Connector including what it is, how to login, navigating the tool, and more. Who should attend? Anyone new to the tool or those needing a refresher on how to navigate the platform.

How-to webinar

Fundamentals of survey participation

We will cover how to participate in Mercer Data Connector surveys, including content on job matching, data validation, general industry survey key details, and more. Who should attend? Those participating in Mercer Data Connector surveys who want to understand the data collected and how to match jobs.

How-to webinar

Participating in Industry-Specific Surveys

Some industry teams provide separate participation webinars for their industry-specific surveys. These webinars will cover how to participate plus important updates and survey specific changes.

Contact us

Have a question or need help? Talk to a member of our client service team today at 866-605-1031.

Short on time, resources, or both when it comes to survey participation? We have the right people, knowledge and tools to jump in and help. Learn more about our participation services and how we can complete the data submission process for your company. Learn more.