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Why survey data (still) matters image

Why survey data (still) matters

April 15, 2020

Times of uncertainty naturally make us feel overwhelmed and anxious. It's tempting to spend time on other essential activities and choose not to participate in compensation and benefits surveys and maybe to even consider compensation surveys as a variable cost that you can reduce this year. Not now; you’re going to need this data.

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COVID-19 update: handling mobility issues image

COVID-19 update: handling mobility issues

March 23, 2020

Global Mobility teams have been front and center dealing with the COVID-19 developments around the world. Companies are striving to keep assignees safe while complying with corporate policies that are changing daily. At Mercer, we have been in ongoing conversations with our clients, discussing a variety of issues flowing from the COVID-19 outbreak, which affect global mobility programs.

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Preparing for a possible pandemic: four things leaders and managers can do now image

Preparing for a possible pandemic: four things leaders and managers can do now

March 16, 2020

For leaders and managers in many organizations, the coronavirus outbreak is raising questions and concerns. What’s the best way to help employees during a global health crisis? Based on research from various fields—including crisis management, workplace wellness, and organizational leadership – here are four steps to consider.

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