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Every year, significant changes are made in the Social Security and Medicare programs, making them more and more confusing.
It’s frustrating, for sure, and many people simply don’t know where to start — or what they are entitled to — as they near retirement. These people often look to their employer for guidance and information for transitioning to the next phase of life. To do this, employers must stay up on the latest Social Security and Medicare trends and changes. And, if you’re an employee, it’s important to have the right information to help you make the best decisions for your long-term financial security, healthcare coverage, and other retirement-related considerations.
Knowing what Social Security and Medicare provide in retirement and when to start benefits are key. Let’s start by examining some vital changes related to cost-of-living, taxable earnings, full retirement age, and Medicare premiums and deductibles.
Trend Spotlight: Increases All Over!
Cost-of-Living adjustment
On October 10, 2024, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced all their 2025 figures. As it turns out, Social Security beneficiaries will receive a 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for monthly benefits payable in 2025! The COLA is based on changes in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). Over the last decade, the COLA increase has averaged about 2.6% and was 3.2% for 2024. For the average retired worker, the increase is about $49 a month for a monthly benefit of $1,976.
Taxable earnings base increase
The Social Security taxable earnings base increases to $176,100 in 2025 from $168,600 in 2024. About 183 million working people are paying this combined 7.65% payroll tax, matched by their employers, to support these programs.
Full retirement age limit
In 2025, the full retirement age (FRA, or the age at which a person first becomes entitled to full or unreduced retirement benefits) is 66 and 10 months for people born January 2, 1959, through January 1, 1960. However, keep in mind that, for Social Security and Medicare purposes, the FRA is established on the day before an individual’s birthday. So, for example, someone born on January 1 is considered to have been born in the previous year.
For more examples, reference the Social Security figures in the table below related to when different individuals reach FRA.
Social Security Fairness Act Increases Benefits for about 3 Million People
On January 5, 2025, the Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) have been repealed and will increase the Social Security benefits for about three million people.
With the elimination of these provisions, individuals who have worked in both covered and noncovered Social Security employment will now receive their full government pensions and unreduced Social Security benefits. This new legislation will impact Social Security payments retroactively to January 2024 and going forward.
Medicare premiums and deductibles
On November 8, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), released the 2025 Medicare premiums and deductibles. Here are some highlights related to increases:
- The standard Part B monthly premium increases to $185.00 in 2025 for most current, new, and high-income Medicare beneficiaries, as well as for people whose Medicare premiums are paid by Medicaid.
- Beneficiaries with high incomes pay additional income-related Part B premiums in the upcoming year.
- For Medicare Part D recipients, the total Part D monthly premium is about $46.50 in 2025, but this amount varies by plan. These premiums are adjusted every January, while drug plan enrollment is within three months of becoming eligible for Medicare. Individuals can change plans or enroll for the first time from October 15 to December 7, and coverage becomes effective on January 1. Also, note that high-income enrollees in Part D pay a premium surcharge, which operates very much like the Part B program.
- New in 2025, yearly out-of-pocket costs for Part D are capped at $2,000. Once you reach this limit, you won’t have to pay a copayment or coinsurance for covered Part D drugs for the rest of the calendar year. After your out-of-pocket spending exceeds $2,000, your plan pays 60%, drug manufacturers pay 20%, and Medicare pays 20%. Low-income beneficiaries may be eligible for reduced cost sharing and more generous coverage by Medicare, including paying no more than $12.15 for brand and $4.90 for generic drugs. Another new feature is the option to manage your out-of-pocket costs for drugs covered by your plan by spreading your costs across the calendar year instead of paying them all at once at the pharmacy. For drugs not covered by your plan, you pay 100%.
Summary table: 2024 vs. 2025 Social Security and Medicare data
The following table provides even more in-depth comparisons between 2024 and 2025 Social Security and Medicare figures, including both increases and decreases.
Social Security |
2024 |
2025 |
Cost-of-living Adjustment (COLA) for December (payable in January). |
3.2% (12/23) |
2.5% (12/24) |
FICA tax rate: |
- Social Security for employees.
6.20% |
6.20% |
- Medicare (Hospital Insurance). An additional FICA tax of 0.9% applies to high-income beneficiaries with annual incomes above $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly). The employer does not pay this additional percentage.
1.45% |
1.45% |
Maximum Social Security earnings for tax contributions and benefits. |
$168,600 |
$176,100 |
Medicare taxable earnings. |
no limit |
no limit |
Earnings required to earn one credit (maximum of four credits per year). |
$1,730 |
$1,810 |
Retirement Earnings Test exempt amounts: |
- Under full retirement age (FRA) throughout year.
$22,320 |
$23,400 |
- Reaches FRA in year (period before the month FRA is attained).
$59,520 |
$62,160 |
no limit |
no limit |
Maximum monthly retirement benefit at FRA. |
$3,822 |
$4,018 |
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) |
2024 |
2025 |
Part A inpatient deductible per benefit period. |
$1,632 |
$1,676 |
Part A daily coinsurance 61st through 90th days. |
$408 |
$419 |
Part A daily coinsurance for up to 60 “lifetime reserve” days. |
$816 |
$838 |
Part A daily coinsurance 21st through 100th days in a skilled nursing facility. |
$204 |
$257 |
Part A voluntary monthly premium if not eligible for premium-free Part A. |
$505 |
$518 |
Part A reduced monthly premium for persons with 30 to 39 credits. |
$278 |
$285 |
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) |
2024 |
2025 |
Part B annual deductible. |
$240 |
$257 |
Part B (Medical Insurance) standard monthly premium for most current, new, and high-income Medicare beneficiaries, and people whose Medicare premium is paid by Medicaid. |
$174.70 |
$185.00 |
Part B (Medical Insurance) standard monthly premium:* |
File an Individual Tax ReturnFile a Joint Tax Return |
0 to $106,000 annual income 0 to $212,000 annual income |
$174.70 |
$185.00 |
$106,001 to $133,000 $212,001 to $266,000 |
$244.60 |
$259.00 |
$133,001 to $167,000 $266,001 to $334,000 |
$349.40 |
$370.00 |
$167,001 to $200,000 $334,001 to $400,000 |
$454.20 |
$480.90 |
$200,001 to $499,000 $400,001 to $749,999 |
$559.00 |
$591.90 |
$500,000 or more $750,000 or more |
$594.00 |
$628.90 |
*Income brackets for beneficiaries based on their 2023 federal income tax return filing status and adjusted gross income in 2025 (2022 returns for 2024). |
Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage) |
2024 |
2025 |
Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage) monthly premium (estimate). |
$34.50 |
$46.50 |
Part D monthly premium adjustment for high-income beneficiaries (paid to Medicare):* |
File an Individual Tax Return File a Joint Tax Return |
0 to $106,00 annual income 0 to $212,000 annual income |
$0 |
$0 |
$106, 001 to $ 133,000 $212,001 to $266,000 |
+ $12.90 |
+ $13.70 |
$133,001 to $167,000 $266,001 to $334,000 |
+ $33.30 |
+ $35.30 |
$167,001 to $200,000 $ 334,001 to $400,000 |
+ $53.80 |
+ $57.00 |
$200,001 to $499,000 $400,001 to $749,999 |
+ $74.20 |
+ $78.60 |
$500,000 or more $750,000 or more |
+$81.00 |
+ $85.80 |
*Income brackets for beneficiaries based on their 2023 federal income tax return filing status and adjusted gross income in 2025 (2022 returns for 2024). |
2025 Figures Released April 1, 2024 |
2024 |
2025 |
Part D deductible. |
$545 |
$590 |
Part D initial benefit limit. |
$5,030 |
Not Applicable |
Part D catastrophic threshold. |
$8,000 |
$2,000 |
Part D minimum cost-sharing for catastrophic coverage. Generic/Preferred: |
$4.50 |
$4.90 |
Other: |
$12.15 |
Looking for more? Discover Mercer’s Social Security and Medicare products
The Social Security and Medicare information above only covers a small percentage of the information in Mercer’s retirement-related products. Now in its 53rd edition, the Mercer Guide to Social Security is one of the most popular and trusted Social Security and Medicare products on the market. This booklet gives an easy-to-understand explanation of retirement, survivor, and disability benefits, including over 25 real-life examples and solutions.
Meanwhile, Mercer’s Medicare booklet explains exactly what you need to know about Medicare in simple, practical terms. For more information or to order either booklet, please click here.
This data is designed to help you or your employees properly prepare for a well-deserved retirement. After all, there’s nothing better than peace of mind when it comes to your employees’ financial security and healthcare coverage.